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As a firm of Chartered Surveyors, quantity surveying remains at the core of our business. Combining traditional surveying skills with modern business practices we provide a level of professional service that is recognised and valued by our clients. 
Established in 1972, we provide a full range of quantity surveying services from inception through to completion of a project. These services include, but are not limited to, the following:- 
Preparation of bills of quantities and schedules of work 
Preparation of Employer's Requirements 
Providing advice on methods of procurement and contractor selection 
Analysing and reporting of tenders 
Preparation of contract documents 
Carrying out interim valuations during construction 
Negotiating and agreeing final accounts 
Providing advice on construction contract procedures 
Our involvement both pre and post contract assists in achieving the efficient delivery of a project with added value. 


Warrington Martin are able to provide a comprehensive project management service to meet the varying needs of clients across a wide range of sectors. The role may be undertaken either as a standalone service or in addition to our cost consultancy or quantity surveying services. 
As project managers we are involved from inception through to completion of a project and have a track record for successfully delivering projects on time and within budget without sacrificing quality. We are able to achieve this by combining our practical knowledge and experience with strong leadership skills. 
From the simplest industrial unit to complex multi-million pound commercial schemes the level of professional service that we provide to our clients remains the same. 


With cost management at the very heart of any construction project, our cost consultancy services form a core part of our business. 
With an emphasis on achieving ‘value for money’ for our clients we aim to provide advice on the economics of design that enables informed decisions to be made. We are able to do this by working closely with our clients and other members of the design team at every stage of a project. 
By combining this advice with our cost management services we can help to reduce risk and provide greater cost certainty for our clients. The scope of this service includes, but is not limited to, the following:- 
Preparation of feasibility estimates 
Development of detailed elemental cost plans 
Cost control and monitoring throughout the duration of a project 
Value engineering and value management 
Risk management 
Life Cycle Costing 


As the use of design and build procurement has increased within the construction industry so has the importance of the role of Employer’s Agent (EA). At Warrington Martin we have gained extensive experience of undertaking the role of EA. This not only applies to performing the duties set out in the specific building contracts but also, when required, tailoring the role of EA to suit a particular client’s requirements. 


Warrington Martin have a wide experience of providing expert advice related to the settlement of construction disputes. This has included acting as expert witnesses and working with solicitors and barristers in respect of adjudications, arbitration and litigation. We have also provided contractual advice to both clients and contractors regarding construction disputes settled by negotiation, mediation and adjudication. 


We provide fund monitoring services for a wide variety of commercial projects acting on behalf of banks and other financial institutions. 
We also act as monitoring surveyors in relation to central and local government grants awarded for education and infrastructure projects. 
This role is usually undertaken by one of the Directors who are able to draw on their extensive experience and detailed knowledge of the development process. 


We provide fund monitoring services for a wide variety of commercial projects acting on behalf of banks and other financial institutions. 
We also act as monitoring surveyors in relation to central and local government grants awarded for education and infrastructure projects. 
This role is usually undertaken by one of the Directors who are able to draw on their extensive experience and detailed knowledge of the development process.